Viktor volunteering in NEPAL & fundraising for those affected by EARTHQUAKE


Ahojte, volám sa Viktor Vincej a 13.5. odlietam do Nepálu na dobrovoľnícky projekt cez organizáciu ALL HANDS VOLUNTEERs, ktorá pomáha ľuďom v oblasti postihnutej silným zemetrasením v Apríli 2015.

Rozhodol som sa priložiť ruku k dielu nie len fyzicky ale aj finančne a to v podobe zbierky! Prispieť môžte cez moju online ALL HANDS VOLUNTEERS zbierku.. funguje to veľmi jednoducho a prispieť môžte hocijakou sumou -> 5eur, 10eur, 30eur, 50eur. . .

Verím, že každý dokáže nájsť aspoň 5 eur na dobrú vec 😉

Neváhajte! Karma je zdarma!


Hi, My name is Viktor Vincej and I’m arriving to Nepal on 13.5. to volunteer on project organized by ALL HANDS VOLUNTEERS ORG which is helping out in the area affected by the earthquake last year in April.

I’ve decided to help out not just physically on the spot but also financially by online fundraising. I’ve opened my fundraising page under ALL HANDS VOLUNTEERS ORG page where you can easily donate any amount of money! 5USD, 10USD, 30USD, 50USD. . .

I believe, everybody can find at least extra 5 USD for a good thing!

Don’t hesitate: Karma is FREE!

More about me and why I decided to volunteer and fundraise for Nepal.

I’ve been traveling & working around the world for more than 3 years now and I’ve decided to give my travels better sense! I’ve realized that life gave me a lot of opportunities to see & experience things I always dreamed about. I’m very thankful for that but on the other side, I don’t think it’s enough!

I believe in KARMA and I believe if you want good things to happen in your life, you need to “do good things” in return. Looking back and realizing how much of “good” I’ve already got from life… I feel like I owe and it’s time to balance that!!!

I believe in another thing, which is… we should all do what we are good at! I know, sometimes it’s hard to find out what is it.. but I know it. I’m good in online marketing and promotions and I’ve decided to take advantage of it and invest my time & money for running this donation campaign!

Plus… considering all the negative (violent) content which traditional medias (TV, newspapers..) are giving us, I’LL BE SUPER HAPPY TO “SPAM” AROUND WITH THIS CAMPAIGN. Maybe, I’ll motivate somebody to book the ticket to Nepal and help out as well!

volunteers in nepal