Looking for a remote job? Check out our post about Digital Nomad Jobs 2020
1. It all starts with SAD rooftop PRE-PARTY somewhere very tropical (and ugly) 😀2. Then you get to meet… 150 “unsuccessful, unhappy, boring and only slightly amazing” entrepreneurs & digital nomads 🙂3. or reunite with alumni from previous cruises.. P.S.: still “unsuccessful, unhappy, .. ” 😀4. Live like a KING / QUEEN for around 60USD / day.5. Deal with DEPRESSING SUNSETS..6. and SUNRISES.. if you get up early or PARTY until morning..7. but NOBODY goes to parties.. 🙁8. but EVERYBODY loves to go to workshops 😉 P.S. 20 talks & workshops to choose from.9. You can organize YOUR AMAZING WORKSHOP 😛10. or meet social influencers from different industries (again.. “unsuccessful, unhappy etc. )11. or organize MASTERMIND session.12. aaand you might find a GIRLFRIEND 🙂13. Maybe 2 😀14. NO SPORTS! NO GYM! NO RUN … just pure FAT 😀15. you might bump into the wrong book and get RICH (unfortunately)16. ALL-INCLUSIVE is a LIE!17. Dinner is not fancy (everyday!)18. This NEVER AFTER DINNER!19. You WON’T GET WORK DONE! NO, actually YOU WILL!.. if you’re lucky / not lazy / not hangovered / not napping too much etc.)20. and those UGLY ISLANDs.. “gosh” NIGHTMARE!21. You will be forced to have SEXY FACE all the time 😛22.. actually all kinds of FACES 😀23. Making coolest post on instagram in the middle of Atlantic Ocean SUUUCKS 😀24. and few more cool pics for SNAPGRAM 🙂25. You get to meet CAPTAIN “MORGAN” of the CRUISE as well..26. or at least dream about CAPTAIN 😛27. uuf and then TROPICAL ISLAND again 😀28. Duude! YOUR BUDGET WILL BLOW UP.. ride across the ocean will cost you “just” 200 more than a regular flight.29. attending BROADWAY shows in theater will make you jealous of talented nomads on the stage!30. go to sauna.. jazzuziii – SPA everyday or PARTY in SWIMMING POOL 🙂THE END?
there is no end!
CRUISE NEVER STOPS and you have to attend all those “boring” reunions around the world 🙂 then – you get addicted to this amazing PROJECT and community of PEOPLE.. and you come back again!.. and OUT of frustration, you write article like this 😀
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Authors of photos: Xylia Buros, Tristanne Endrina, Nicole Godt, Shelly – Michelle Kutzner, Denisa Puica.
Authors of videos: Chris Spiegl, Alessandro Vaccari